Frequently Asked Questions

Over the years we have found that there are some similar questions that continue to get asked by customers.

On here we have tried to list the most common questions that we can remember people asking, either by email, on the phone or even in person when we are onsite with a customer.

As time goes on we will continue to add more questions and answers to this list. If you can’t find the answer below to a question you have and you think it would be a good one to have on this list for others to benefit from it, please add it here

We will firstly get back to you personally with an answer to your question as soon as we can and then secondly if we agree that it is or could be a common question we will add it to this list in order to assist others in the future.

FAQ Categories

Questions relating to, our professional affiliations, certifications, memberships, etc ….

Questions about the services we offer and how we can help you

What we do in which situations and what you can do

A range of different questions that don’t really fit into a particular category...

Are you a brand new customer or were you a customer several years ago? If so then there are bound to be questions that you have that have already been asked and answered in here

Some of the many questions we get asked about Dial Before You Dig

Handling worst case scenarios …

Can we be of assistance to you?

You can book our services online directly

or call us at