Merry Christmas
With Christmas less than a week away, I wanted to send an email to thank you for using us onsite during this past year. I trust you were happy with the service we provided and I hope that we can help you out again should the need arise.
Year in Review
This past year we’ve made some significant changes at Geelong Cable Locations. Some of them have been internal—focusing on our systems and improvements in our workflow—while others have been customer-focused by trying to offer you, our customer, more.
Reflecting on everything I think the two most significant improvements for you have been:
- the addition of another Ground Penetrating Radar unit, so there is now one in every locating vehicle—meaning that every job can be scanned with a GPR, if required, at no extra cost to you; and
- the online booking system going live on the Geelong Cable Locations website, allowing you to book work in yourself, in your own time, when you are free.
Looking ahead, I think 2015 will be an even busier year than the past one for most of us. Now that we have a new state government in place, it will hopefully bring back some stability into the marketplace and projects can start moving again.
I also have more internal systems I want to test out. I’m already proud of the service we provide, but I think we can do more and I want to strive for more. I don’t think it’s enough anymore just to go out onsite and mark the ground with paint where the underground services are. I think this can be done better and I have a few ideas I’ll be concentrating on and improving next year, but I will let you know more about that in a future email.
Holiday hours
Over the Christmas holiday period this year we will not be shutting down like we’ve usually done before. We will, however, have a reduced workforce. Scott, Shannon and Khay will all be taking time off from 22 December to 12 January. However, after taking seven weeks off recently to travel throughout Italy, I won’t be taking time off this Christmas and will be available should you need assistance onsite.
Stay safe
In closing I would just like to wish you and your family a happy and safe festive season. As a father of a 17-month-old baby girl and with the recent news that I now have another on the way, I find that I seem to cherish life more now than I ever have before.
If you’re on the roads during this holiday period then please try and stay safe: it’s better to arrive five minutes late to that family BBQ than not to arrive at all.
And if you too are working through this holiday period then please try and stay safe out onsite. At this time of year our minds can very easily drift away from what we should be concentrating on—and that’s when silly mistakes happen and people get hurt. Be aware of your surroundings and focus on the task at hand.
Oh, and of course it goes without saying that if you are doing any digging at all onsite, then please make sure you know exactly where the underground cables are before you start any form of mechanical excavation.
You can get in touch with me via the phone, email, live online chat, SMS and through website bookings—so there really is no excuse anymore for you not to get a locator out to site!
Anyway, you know I’m here if you need me.
Take care, bye for now and Merry Christmas from Geelong Cable Locations
Ben Minutoli