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Geelong Cable Locations

Underground Service Locations

Pipe and Cable Locators – covering Melbourne, Geelong, and Country Victoria

Victoria’s FIRST locating company to have Dial Before You Dig Certified Locators

Watch our video to learn what we're about

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Do you want more info about what services we offer, no worries, click on the services below to find out

Service Locating Finding a underground pipe

Service Locating

Digital Locating, also sometimes known as Service Locating or Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Locating, is the most common …

Concrete Scanning

Concrete Scanning is a non-destructive method of finding the location of steel reinforcing bars, post-tension cables and power cables …

Doing a 3D concrete scan

Non-Destructive Digging

Non Destructive Digging is a safe form of digging which offers the lowest chance of cables, pipes, tree roots from being damaged

Ground Penetrating Radar

What do you do when you know there’s an underground service in the area but you haven’t been able to find it using the standard digital locator?

GSSI ground penetrating radar
Geelong Cable Locations using acoustic locating to locate a plastic water pipe

Acoustic Locating

Geelong Cable Locations’ experienced technicians can detect domestic poly water pipes and non-conductive water mains by using acoustic locating techniques.

Surveying / GPS Plotting / Drafting

By combining GPS plotting and/or Surveying with our drafting service, you get to retain a plan of the underground utilities within your property.

Geelong Cable Locations - GPS plotting of underground services
Using non destructive digging to expose 3 services in the one area then recording their depths and backfilling it again.

Full Service Locating and Mapping with Project Management

For complex projects we can take on for you the burden of project management in addition to providing underground service locating.

We are 100% committed to providing you and your community with the best possible underground location service that meets your needs. We’ll find the buried underground cables and pipes that you need to know about – and do it with the least possible fuss and bother.

Do you need help with underground locating

You can book our services online directly

or call us at

1800 449 543