Question: I’m just putting up a front fence at home. I have done the Dial Before You Dig request and it shows where everything in the street is. All I want to know is where they are coming into my place. Who do I call to get a plan of that?


Firstly, well done: you have taken the correct first step by submitting a Dial Before You Dig request. And yes your right, sometimes the plans don’t show all of the individual home services connected to a property.

In terms of getting a plan to show you where your individual services are, you have a couple of options.

  1. You can call each utility provider (from the phone numbers on the Dial Before You Dig cover sheet) and ask if they have any more detailed plans for your property, but the chances are that they won’t.
  2. If you know who put the services in, you can ring them and see if they still have a plan on file. Again, your chances are probably slim.
  3. The most obvious answer is to book us to come out and tell you exactly where the services are onsite, so they don’t get damaged when you build your front fence.

And if you still want a plan drawn up so you know where everything is in the future, we would be more than happy to help you out with that as well.

We cover Melbourne, Geelong and country Victoria.