ahh well that’s just your bad luck, and it serves you right for not calling us out. hahahhhaha, just kidding.
Ok, firstly, keep digging deeper, if it is a water main you are trying to find then it could still be another 500mm deeper. If they have to build the ground up since it was laid then it could be deeper still. Actually what size main is it, if it is a big one, then it could be a lot deeper.
You might be better off calling the water authority using the phone number on the Dial Before You Dig coversheet that you got and seeing if they can assist you at all as they might have more detailed record of it than that of which they gave you on the Dial Before You Dig plans.
If you still have not luck, then hey, maybe I shouldn’t have been joking earlier, maybe you should just book us in to come out and see if we can help you with it.
If you do want to book us in then you can use this link to be taken to our calendar which will have the times we have available and you just need to pick one that suits you.
What I might get you to do as well is send through that plan you got from Dial Before You Dig, or even just everything you got back from them so that we can look over the job first and just make sure we bring the right gear out to site, so that we can get this sorted out for you.